I AM an emotionally eater, but I wasn’t always like this. It started back in November 2015 I was 6 months away from turning 30 years on. I made plans on getting myself back in shape to look great for my 30th birthday. During my fitness journey I torn my patella tendon and surgery was the only solution. Six week of bed rest, three months or rehab, and many tearful nights later I was back on my feet again. With the support of my praying mother, I was back on the fitness journey, ready to make a comeback. My mother and I had a set schedule to work out together followed by prayer and bible study. This routine grew us closer to one another and GOD. My mother and I were always close, but this journey of faith and fitness made our bound even closer.

December 2016, as my mom and I were discussing plans for 2017, she had heart attack and passed away before me. Her death put me in turmoil and deep depression. I gain 30 pound in a month and considering drinking my life away. However, my faith wouldn’t allow me to drown, I join a 12-week fitness challenge in honor of my mom where I lost 57 pounds, 22 inches, and 25% body fat. I lost weight, but I also gain more understanding of God love and comfort.

I got certified as a trainer 2018 and from there I wanted to help other transformed not only their body, but their mind and spirit.